Teaching, perhaps, was last on my list. Serious. My dad won, as always. Well, Now, it is a different story. If you don't get what you love, love what you get. No, no philosophy this time.
Five years back, I was given Public Speaking subject to teach Computer Students (diploma). Fine, my cup of coffee. I love speaking, in any form. I inherent from my dad. But that was the first time to teach Public Speaking. Nor was I a speaker then. Now, to some extent, yes. Mind you, speaking and teaching to speak was different.
Students were expected to do three different types of speeches and the class strength was twenty five and above, if I could remember correctly.
It was one of the presentations day. Each of them was given five minutes. However they did take their own time. And there came a student. Obviously he was nervous. He started with the ritual-greeting the class. Some can go on with a list like the ones you see in Oscar awards acceptance speeches; greeting everyone and sometimes the pets too.
He started greeting the class and said, "My Miss Sentha". We guessed he wanted to say my friends or my class... I told you, he was that nervous. And the whole class burst into laughter....and so did I.
Ever since, the batch can recall that incident and call me my miss Sentha. And there was a student from Ghana, Hagan. Every time, literally, he called, my miss Sentha. He never bothered about the place nor the people around.
This kind of thing happens to me atleast once in a while. Two semesters ago, it was a presentation day for Business English, degree students. Two studetns went to the platform, one after the other, and greeted the class and me- good afternoon my friends and sentha. What?! I couldn't wait anymore and ever after whoever goes to the platform gives me warm smile and ......Ms Sentha, yeah, you got it right!
And today, I was walking back to my office from canteen after my so called lunch at 4.00. I heard My Miss Sentha. I was surprised and so does the faculty. He was loud. The Ghanian is here. Our minds travelled back to the moment in a fraction of second and brought smile on both of us.
At the end of the day what remains is - the feeling. And, teaching is not just teaching!
MY Miss Sentha!! I would love to hear him say that. I would have probably burst out laughing too.
ReplyDeleteBDW miss, if u want those little numbers that counts on my blog, clicking it will bring u to the webpage. Click on 'New Counter' and choose one that you like. I can't really remember how I did it, but play around with the website for awhile and Im sure you'll get it. Then later, at layout blogspot, you add gadget HTML/JavaScript, and past the link you got from the counter website page. TAADAAA!! You can put it anywer you want in the layout column.
Hey mitch. I tried to get the numbering thingy..and i got it..not as lovely as yours...
ReplyDeleteHAve a good day!