Saturday, March 6, 2010

Watching the world go by...

Bringing the best under stress has become an old adage to me. The theory is simple - the work style changes as we change. This is happening to me shockingly frequent. Its beyond learning lessons...and I know.

The flight missed me once again, leaving me 3 full solid hours before the next flight. In this trip, I deliberately avoided taking one important thing which I always carry along with the travel documents- book. And there is no bookshop in Kuching Airport. Well, it is pretty small.

There was a sudden halt in the schedule and this unexpected free time. Starbucks coffee and muffins  helped me for sometime as I was digesting the fact. It was hard, of course, but there is one thing; I mastered my Conscience, from asking haunting questions and learnt to swallow things.

I was watching people moving here and there. Sometimes, it is just interesting to see people around you. Men are many kinds! They are just who they are. Especially in places like this. They don't take any conscious effort to impress people.

Long time ago, a Father and I were waiting at the gate of a church for my sister to arrive. The wait was four hours and more. We were making fun of everything and everyone on the road. And fours passed by like four minutes.

The best place to watch people is the road. I don't know why. But it is interesting. Vehicles and people; of all sorts..walking here and there with some purpose and to some destination.....and you are there watching them. Mhum...

Unlike Chennai, the world in Kuching is too small to sit at one place. I have two more hours to go and, I am changing my location to get a different view....


  1. There is a book shelf with a few books in the airport miss. I got two of my books (slightly cheaper sometimes) and wrapped untouched from there. Mitch Albom books available too.

    Incase you are in dire need. =)

  2. Mitch, I remember you said it once and tried to look for it..but i couldn't it, unless I missed it because of the stress that I had? ..I will check next time..

  3. Yeah? It was in the Eraman shop with all the soft toys and barbies and Cds/ beside starbucks

  4. Lol..i did visit..but i didn't notice it Mitch...i have to be more focused!
