Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Where there is a will, there is a way. Where there is money there is life!

I updated my whatsapp status with the above lines this morning.  I received a reply from my friend denying the status.  I have my reason and I respect her reason to deny. Aren't we all different in our understanding of the world?

Past few days, few weeks, perhaps, few years have been frustrating. Hoping in vain. Hard work, hard work, effort after effort, seem to be failing. Sometimes, you would not know why you work so much. Work without pay does not seem to equate life.  Loving your work, contributing more to the work that you love and to society can be fulfilled only when the basic necessities of life are met. At least, getting bread and butter and other essentials need to be met.

Trust me, in my circle, I am the only one. I wonder what was the grave mistake that caused me so much suffering and what can I do to fix it. I have been on the righteous path, ethically and morally good, responsible to the family and to society etc. As per the premises, if the moral righteousness is correct, I should be leading a struggle free life. But nonetheless, the world is built around different premises. If you are morally correct, you are more liable to be having financially tough life. Ethics and money do not equate with each other. They are different poles but attract few people.

Ever since I remember, I have been struggling to make both ends meet. If there is no progress in our work or in our financial condition, we should watch our behaviour. I follow my heart.  Perhaps, following your heart is not the right thing to do when it does not do any good to you. I help people.. At least, my people. I believe, helping your family is the first or the most important sign of care. Ignoring your family but focusing on the society is a hypocrisy.

But anyways, there is a lesson behind this suffering. To be more careful, to be more calculative. I am very cautious, very careful in every step that I take. I am a new me. I wish I had followed this in my early life. It's too late.

Having less or nothing is equal to dying. Luxury, survival, and living have different connotations in life. If you are unable to make the ends meet, all struggles, wisdom, knowledge and experience loses its meaning.

Trust me, Money can buy you anything.

1 comment:

  1. Very much true mam...Not always
    Money cannot save life...esp during calamities...
