Tuesday, August 7, 2018

My Coffee craving....

It's a calling from the brain....not from the tongue. You can certainly avoid yielding to your tongue but not the calling from your brain....because it affects productivity which is all about my work, my reading and my writing.

I just finished my lunch. A typical simple south Indian sambar and potato fry with a small piece of murukku. Soon after I finished my last gulp, I felt like having coffee, strong hot coffee.. my friend was laughing at my urge to have coffee at this time..for many people coffee after lunch is odd. I am sorry, they may not know what it means!.

I don't follow any routine when comes to coffee. I take it when I feel like having it...that said...there are times that I skip it too...like yesterday evening. Mostly I prefer filter coffee except for very rare occasions. The mixture of coffee and milk has to be proportionate and I don't add water in the milk. I prefer pure milk...the decoction has to be freshly made. I bring coffee powder from my native town..from a very famous brewing shop or Green label from Bru. I still remember the aroma of Ipoh White Coffee.

Trust me, coffee can do wonders to you. It is a secret recipe... to start a conversation....to keep the friendship together. It provides a luxurious space for yourself with no disturbances and takes you to your own self. Try taking coffee at a nice weather preferably sitting next to window overseeing the world or greens or water around you...you will know what I mean. You can savour the world as you savour the coffee.

It's only 12.40 here..and the weather is slightly better ..windy since last few weeks... I don't know why on earth only Chennai is so hot and dry...I feel like having coffee at my desk and do my reading or writing..or whatever I am doing which is a luxury that is not offered here.

While walking back to the department with a cup of coffee...a colleague of mine in the lift said he was obviously surprised by my idea of taking the coffee to the department..he said that I am the second person he sees someone who carries coffee and prefers to have coffee at the desk. He was obviously confused with the idea. By the time you walk back to the place, the coffee would get old.

I have great fans for the coffee I prepare. Many times I am disappointed that some good restaurants do not offer good coffee. And, I am happy with my coffee craving. It is a green signal that my mind or brain is ready to work... People keep telling me to avoid it.. something beyond imagination. My day breaks with a strong super filter coffee..taken at my convenient pace. There are even times I go for the second cup soon after I take the first one if the first one is not soul fulfilling. There is a lot behind the science of coffee craving..later ..after my coffee. ðŸ˜‹ðŸ˜‹

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