Monday, October 12, 2009

A rainy evening in Kuching...

Rain, in this hot, hazy weather is so welcoming. I like rain. Its so different here. The difference is not in the rain, don't be confused. But in the impression it leaves after the downpour.

Few things that surprises me:
  • You can't find pools here and there on the roads blocking the traffic. Excellent drainage system. It would be hard to believe if someone tells you that it rained so heavily and the roads were flooded. I can only wish that the drainage system really works like this in Indian roads, especially in Chennai. For ever, there will be Public Works Department digging roads for no reason. Unimaginable and unbearable.  If I am not wrong, Chandikar  has a perfect system, the only city which was constructed after a plan. The rest? God knows, some are still developed..its present progressive tense. 
  • People: They don't really care whether it rains or doesn't rain, except people like some of us. Since they know the rain, or they are used with this unpredictable timetable,( wait, this unpredictable is becoming predictable these days. When you know the weather is unpredictable, you are predicting that it is unpredictable!) So, they are onto their missions. 
  • Astro: Since it is raining, since I am locked up inside, I have to end up with two things: Internet and Astro. But still, I am not sure of one thing - technology.  In three months time, I changed the router twice. And TM Net takes its own sweet time to fix it. So, switched off. Now left with only one option- Astro. And guess what? 'Services currently unavailable' this is what you will see on the screen. Why is this interruption in the telecast?  How come there is no latest technology to do something about this? I am really wondering. I couldn't watch the full movie "Things we lost in the fire" though I got the story line.  Its a different case in India. The interruption is in the cable itself..trees falling down.. power cut...etc, etc... 
Eventually the rain stopped around 8.00 pm, as I predicted. I took a long walk to feel the rain and its chillness. Of course it was refreshing, very.

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