And three evenings back, for a change, some one presented me with a book signed. My happiness was immense for more than one reason. "The unbearable lightness of Being" by Milan Kundera. Could it be unbearable when it is light? In a way, it is. A paradox. Well, life is a paradox in more than one sense. "...to think that recurrence itself recurs ad infinitum! What does this mad myth signify?" A Line in the opening para.
It has been few months since I read anything solid. And I should start now with Milen Kundera followed by few more.
Someone asked me why I read. I wanted to ask him back why he is breathing, but I refrained.
It has been few months since I read anything solid. And I should start now with Milen Kundera followed by few more.
Someone asked me why I read. I wanted to ask him back why he is breathing, but I refrained.
On totally different note: I like the page marker that I took it from The Borders, KL. The wait is Almost over.